At the moment I'm reminded that it is nearly Christmas time almost every second of every day. Radio adverts, TV adverts (am I alone in wondering how a scentless film of a perfume bottle, sells perfume?). The shops are full of boxes of Quality Street and my wife is stressed. Even the dog is wearing a look of fear as it worries over the imminent arrival of the dog sized plastic rain deer antlers. Last night I tried escaping to crew training at the village Lifeboat House only to be bombarded with need to make my starter, main and pud choices the forthcoming Christmas meal'? Bah humbug...
I am not alone. I am quite sure that others suffer the same affliction. So why then am I making the same mistake and pestering you with Christmas greetings? Well partly because we just have to do it. It is within our culture, our society, our inherited persona to pass on seasonal greetings to all whether we feel cheery or not. We have to send Christmas cards, we have to pull crackers, suddenly we have to like bread sauce, we just have to be festive; ok!
Mostly though I write because this time of year heralds (no Christmas pun intended) the beginning of the next fishing season. And frankly this is something to very be cheery about! This is fun, this is fishing!
Next season 2015 we will start fishing in Mid March. March and April is spurdog time and these feisty sharks are great fun. 2014's best went over 20lb and we intend to beat that fish in spring 2015. My main spurdog marks are sat there quietly developing and untouched. Can't wait to get a piece of squid trundling across them.
Early spring is also king Whiting time. We had some lovely hauls last year with plenty of 2lb + fish popping up. I like whiting fishing, they are plentiful and the eat superbly. I will deep fry mine gutted but whole, no flour just in the fryer they go. They come out crisp and juicy and a squeeze of lemon and a spoon of tartar sauce turns them into fish meal heaven.
The fist bass will arrive in April, the first Mackerel in late May and then the summer is up and running. We will be pollacking on the offshore wrecks, breaming locally. Grabbing hold of the rods and holding on for all we are worth when the first Tope arrives. As the summer months wear on so the fishing just gets better and I can not wait.
I love Christmas. Let the feasting begin, let the angels sing and praise the new born king because soon after comes the best time of the year. Time to go fishing.
Happy Christmas all.
Welcome; this blog is about our sea fishing trips with me, Tim Harrison - feature writer for Sea Angler magazine - aboard the epic fishing boat 3 Fishes that sails from New Quay, West Wales. I specialise in lure casting for sea bass but also hunt the waters of Cardigan Bay for its other finfish and shellfish. I'll blog on methods and techniques but also catches and news. From sharks to spider crabs and bass to octopus you'll find it all here...