Friday, 21 March 2014


Lucky me or perhaps lucky you. Why lucky me? Well, I get to go shopping for fishing tackle for my job - or a least a small part of my job! Why lucky you? Well, you get to use the kit I go shopping for! And let me introduce 3 Fishes Porbeagle shark fishing kit.

Before I get into the detail I should start by pointing out that all the kit I carry aboard 3 Fishes is nice stuff. The thing is I'm a fussy sod. My lovely wife Corrine rightly moans at me for being so but I can't help but like things right. I'm as happy eating fish & chips as I am Sashimi but they both just have to be good. And so my kit (or at least 3 Fishes kit - as I see it as her's) is good. I've been on charter boats that hand over old tired tackle of mixed vintage and heritage and my heart has always sunk. Even before I have left the harbour I know what is coming and that it is unlikely to be great! I recall one time being in Thailand having at great expense (c.£700.00 worth of expense) chartered a trolling trip for sail fish and tuna. I'd not seen the boat beforehand and as we walked down the pier I could already tell how the day would go.. well even at that late stage one still hopes! Two hours of diesel fume filled chugging later we arrived in open ocean and out comes the kit. Well the only positive thing I can find to say about the kit is that it may once upon a time have been Penn. Rusty, broken rings, replace reel handle, worn line, rusty hooks... ouch. We did see a couple of sail fish. We caught one suicidal 3lb barra and sun stroke!

3 Fishes shark kit is a lovely 6'6'' Okuma cortez rod at 30 50lb, paired with a Shimano TLD 25 lever drag reel which is to be loaded with 60lb nylon. This brand new shiny kit will give us the edge when we hook up. And I'm certain we will hook up because Cardigan Bay is a porbie hot spot and no one is chasing them. We'll hear more than one yell of sshhaarrkkk this summer and I can't wait!

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