Thursday, 15 May 2014

What lure colour caught the most bass in season 2014?

I've written about lure colour before but the 'proof of the pudding' is in the eating as the saying goes. So here are two of my recent lure purchases. Fresh off the plane from the US and I Love Hard Bait Ebay store these babies are shaking with anticipation as they sit next to me on the office desk. I can't resist picking them up and giving them a wobble; they rattle and shine enticingly and I just know that they will catch.

That is because they are trendy. Bass like trends or seem to anyway as trendy lures catch plenty of bass. I only have to mention the patchinko and anyone who knows about them (and we all do now) knows that they catch. Or the slug go or the Fiish minnow, red rods or for that matter yellow rods (2015) etc etc. It boils down not to bass adapting their modus operandi - ok lads its 2014 now lets get into the next big thing - no its simply because a certain lure type or colour gets used more frequently. Photographs get taken and posted online or in angling mags. The pics then get talked about in online lure casting forums that are generally inhabited by people who don't or can't fish but believe they do or can and hey presto a trend is born. We all go out and buy them and we all use them - I will (or at least my clients will) this season.

The colour trend of 2014 is cotton candy (like these beauties) or its sometimes known as frost candy or anything candy. Get a lure in this colour now because I promise you this; no I'll go further than promise - I'll guarantee it - they will catch a shed load of bass this year. What are they? - Well gold star if you recognise them and if you don't just ask and I'll tell you. Hit the comment link as below....

So sure am I of this bass forecast that I will post more than 1 pic of bass with one of these lures in its mouth this season.

1 comment:

  1. great colours, look good, what are they?..
