You know what? I love taking people fishing for Tope. And the best people of all to take aboard 3 Fishes and go after them are people that have never fished for them. The expectation builds as we travel out to the grounds some nine nautical miles west of harbour. A couple of quick drifts for Mackerel is always fun and then its anchor down and then begins the waiting. And it is almost unbearable for all, myself included - that tension building, nerve jangling tease that always takes what feels like an eternity before the first run comes. Only once last summer did we get a hook up as the bait hit the bottom on the first drop down; its more normal for the fish to take their time to scent the baits and start working up tide towards us. At this point I say to all aboard 3 Fishes that it will be 45 mins before the first run, secretly I hoping that it will come sooner than that but most of all I'm hoping it happens! God of fishing please let it happen.
And then it does happen. The rod will nod once, twice and off goes the fish on a searing adrenalin pumping super charged run. Line spooling off your reel at breath taking speed. Chaos... other rods are wound in, drags are set and reset and then we tighten into the run. I use circle hooks and a hook up top the corner of the fishes mouth is normal its either that or its a lost run and for a couple of seconds my heart bangs as I hope beyond hope that the fish remains hooked. And when it does, well its amazing...Tope may not be the world biggest sharks but they can put a hell of an account for themselves. Young lads and lassies struggle to hold the rod and the fittest and strongest of us know that they are in a true fight.
And then comes the best bit. Its pure shock and awe that first sighting of a hooked tope deep beneath the boat in crystal clear water. Its at this very point that you realise that you have hooked a shark. Yes Shhaarrrk. No messing, no b*llocks, a true all singing all dancing, all teeth and shark skin, shark.
And that is why I love taking people Tope fishing. Sure the fish are stunning but its the look on a customers face that is priceless!
And that is why I love taking people Tope fishing. Sure the fish are stunning but its the look on a customers face that is priceless!